Orion & Bungee
Eliza Lou

Today is our two year anniversary with Eliza Lou. She is doing great. She is our perfect little lap cat, quite demanding but we don't care. She is very sweet and has never tried to bite or scratch us. We hope you are well. Thank you for saving the lives of animals. Good Bless.
So thankful for you and all the hard work and hours. This guy has no social issues at all and is just the best and friendliest. My home daycare houses up to 10 children daily and a work from home husband., two rescued doodles, and of course our Jazzie we adopted from you 5 years ago. We’re so blessed!

We brought this little lady home from KCC last week. She quickly took a liking to her new big brother Oliver (who is completely in love with her), and Oliver's episodes of anxiety have completely disappeared. She's a great companion kitty, and it looks like they have plenty of years of window-watching bliss ahead of them!
We adopted Otto (his original name!) from Kitty Cat Connection about 3-4 years ago. He has been a joy and we liove the little (not so little anymore though) guy. He loves to be carried around in a laundry basket & put his toy balls in his cat food dish - we think he wants to be a basketball player!
I follow your Facebook posts and know that you continue to great work. You go an extra mile for all cats, even when stretched to the limit. Thank you for your dedication to the kitties. I know one of these days we will adopt again (we have two cats now) and will go through Kitty Cat Connection again.
Merry Christmas,
Melissa Penrod
Everyone at Kitty Cat Connection loves to hear how our kitties are doing once they adjust to their new homes. Please share your stories with us - send us some pictures. You can e-mail us at [email protected] Even though it will be hard, please keep the update short and attach a digital image - thank you!
Its been several years, and Artie continues to be a bless for our family. Amidst this COVID-19 scare we just thought it would be good to share some POSITIVE news, and let you know how thankful we are for your role in Kitty Cat Connection to bring us together with Artie. A year after adopting Artie, we rescued another cat and Artie loves his kitty sibling. He and Artie have become best friends, and let me tell you Artie rules the show! LOL.
Thank you, for all you have done for our family!
Lane, Jason, Artie and Graylien
Thank you, for all you have done for our family!
Lane, Jason, Artie and Graylien
Blackie is a wonderful kitty and I'm so happy I was able to adopt him. Me and the kid and the kitties are much happier now that he is here.He absolutely adores my son (now that he has learned the kid can brush him - he loves getting brushed)! He loves his siblings, they play like crazy. He also picked a toy for himself - its a cream colored sloth :)
Emi |
I adopted a cat on July 13th his name is Floyd he has the Christmas tree on its nose and the two colored eyes his last owner committed suicide well I just wanted you to know that it took about two weeks for Floyd to trust me but he is doing a really good job right now and is living like a king. I sure love having him in my life. I just thought you might like an update
- Linda
- Linda

About two summers ago I adopted Tweet (now named Mirana)from Sharon. I just wanted to show how loveable and quirky she still is! She also has 2 sister that lover to death.

While relocating from Arizona to Minnesota, my sweet boy Jesse jumped out of our U Haul while staying at the Motel 6 in KCMO. (The staff there was so awesome!!) That Friday morning, we did not realize that he was missing until after we left. Fifty miles later we discovered his absence and drove back to search for him. After an extended search, we had to continue on to our final destination. Through much diligence on the part of my step daughter, kittycatconnection.org was found. The beautiful, wonderful, lovely ladies, "B" and "M" found my boy! I spoke with "B" on Sunday evening.
She said that "M" was out looking for him at that moment. We made plans for me to drive back to KC from Minneapolis the next day to search/set traps for Jesse. After getting off the phone at 7:30pm, "M" called to say she had located Jesse about a quarter mile from the motel. I jumped in my car and drove that night to hopefully get my kitty. He was right where she said he would be. She had texted me a picture of the area. I drove up, got out of my car and began calling to him. He cried out immediately, but was a bit wary of coming out of his hiding place in the wooded area he had chosen to seek shelter. Within minutes, I had my guy back. I called "M" and went to her place of work to give her a hug and thank KCC SO MUCH for their kindness and love. Y'all are THE BEST!
- Meg
She said that "M" was out looking for him at that moment. We made plans for me to drive back to KC from Minneapolis the next day to search/set traps for Jesse. After getting off the phone at 7:30pm, "M" called to say she had located Jesse about a quarter mile from the motel. I jumped in my car and drove that night to hopefully get my kitty. He was right where she said he would be. She had texted me a picture of the area. I drove up, got out of my car and began calling to him. He cried out immediately, but was a bit wary of coming out of his hiding place in the wooded area he had chosen to seek shelter. Within minutes, I had my guy back. I called "M" and went to her place of work to give her a hug and thank KCC SO MUCH for their kindness and love. Y'all are THE BEST!
- Meg
Sneaky (on the left) is settling in very nicely. It's been over two months, and I finally have big news to update! As of a week ago, we have been able to fully integrate her with my older cat. They might not be the best of friends but they're tolerating each other very very well. Shortly after this photo was taken, Sneaky even rolled over to expose her belly, which I understand is big in the trust department. I'm so happy that I was able to bring this wonderful girl home. 😍
Merry Christmas from Remi (Fluffy)

She is doing so well and has really come out of her shell over the last six months. She is such a love and gets along so well with her two sisters.
Hope you have a happy holiday.
Hope you have a happy holiday.
Athena and Aries
Athen and Aries are doing great and loving their new home! Athena loves snuggling with everyone and Aries loves playing chase with our daughter! They are spoiled and loved by everyone. Thank you for the happiness you've brought to our family!
Sean, Mary, Hannah, Athena, and Aries
Sean, Mary, Hannah, Athena, and Aries
Helen and Ellen

Helen and Ellen are Siamese sisters adopted from us almost three years ago. The girls turned 3 last week and they are more lovely, beautiful and more joined at the hip than ever. They are absolutely perfect. Cant thank you enough for them!
Whinenona aka Winnie
Just wanted to let you know that Winnie is fitting in very nicely with our family. She likes to stay close to me. She and Patches, our other kitty, while not best of friends are getting along. Attached is a picture of the two of them. Roger says that Winnie would have made a great business cat. She likes to sit on our large kitchen trash can (actually a wicker hamper that I put a trash bag in) and get petted when anyone walks by. And she's a very smart kitty. I have trained her to shake hands to receive a treat. We're so glad that we adopted her. Thanks for fostering her. Mary |
Hello! We adopted Dax (who used to be called Moonstone) on August 6 from Petsmart. When we met her, she was so shy she hid behind her foster mom, and when we got her home, we were a little worried about her shyness. She spent days hiding behind our bed and under furniture, but once she came out, she never looked back. She now owns the place, and she is not scared of anything. She sleeps on Sarah’s pillow every night, demands pets and cuddles all the time, and loves being the center of attention. She also loves climbing on her cat tree, playing with toys, and climbing on our computer chairs when we’re on our computers. We can’t imagine not having her in our home. Thanks for rescuing her from the side of road; she really has brightened our lives. Thanks, Sarah and Ethan |
Dobby: 1 Year old
I promised you 1 year pictures and here they are. Dobby has fit himself into our family quite perfectly. Everyone loves him and I think he may think he’s a dog. Although, he likes to pretend he is a caged tiger out in our screened in room. He loves a good cuddle, purrs crazy loud, still sniffs EVERYTHING and will take off your finger if you give him a tiny bit of salmon (favorite night of the week!) Thankfully he passed out of the “I’m a complete nuisance and must break something daily” stage. He’s a very good boy now. He’s our number one bug catcher and even snuck out and grabbed a cicada one day. I was talking to the mail man and he snuck out (he now wears a bell!), grabbed the cicada and ran back into the house. I had to chase him and the bug out to the screened room where he ate the poor thing's wings. I think I told you he caught a bird out there as well. The screens are retractable and the bird got in when they were up. Unknowingly I closed the screens and let Dobby out there. Soon I heard a crash and ran out to find him leaping into the air like Superman! He caught the bird. I don’t think he was even 6 month old at the time. He weighs 12 lbs now to Winky’s 11 lbs but isn’t as long as she is. He’s stockier, like a bulldog - muscles. Wish I had a picture to show you that! His feet still seem big to me so I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s more growing to be done. Oh and he doesn’t shed! Seriously! Winky sheds if you just look at her but nothing comes off Dobby. It’s wonderful! Anyway, here are some pictures. I had a hard time getting a good one of him. The first one shows him with Winky in the screened room while Poppleton panics that they are drinking HIS water. Next one is with my son. He sat down and they all curled up next to him. Gives you an idea of his size now. Next one reminds me of his picture on PetFinder - the one that made me drive clear up north to you! Next one I took last night. He spent the evening stretched out on my lap while we watched TV. He loves that blanket and still “nurses” it. It’s kind of gross because he’ll actually knead it and SUCK on it! Thanks for taking care of him until we could! He’s fabulous! PS: We adopted two chinchillas last weekend. So now we have 1 dog, 2 cats, 2 hamsters, 2 chinchillas and a horse (that doesn’t live with us). I think we are done but the last time I said that I ended up going and getting Dobby! |
This is a beautiful " success story" this retired lady's, cat Bo died a few months ago. She had called KCC when she saw Maple at PetSmart. I listen to her story, hugged her when she cried , looked at her photo of her lost best friend.and reassured her that she could find love again even while while grieving for her 20 yr old orange cat Bo. She renamed Maple to Molly.
Hi Sandi, Molly wanted me to send you an email to let you know she loves her new forever home. She has lots of toys to play with and she especially loves those little mice and little crinkle balls she can throw around. We are having a good time getting acquainted. She goes everywhere I do in the house and the minute I sit down in a chair she is right there with me. By last Thursday she started sleeping in bed with me, so I think she is very comfortable with me. She gets in my lap and lets me give her kisses. We are having a good time and she is great company for me. I still can't find my camera but when I do I'll send you a pic. Bye, Molly and Mary Beth |

We love pets. We have four cats and one dog. In October 2015, my husband had made a supply run to our local PetsMart on a Saturday morning. I was busy with other activities. On the way home, I received a text from my husband saying that he almost adopted another cat. He quickly sent an email of him "visiting" with this pretty girl. We discussed adding her to our furry family and 2 hours later the beautiful orange Maine Coon mix arrived home. "Pumpkin" soon adapted to her new environment and is part of the family. She is every bit as spoiled as the rest of our pets. Please see the pictures of her enjoying herself.
We love pets. We have four cats and one dog. In October 2015, my husband had made a supply run to our local PetsMart on a Saturday morning. I was busy with other activities. On the way home, I received a text from my husband saying that he almost adopted another cat. He quickly sent an email of him "visiting" with this pretty girl. We discussed adding her to our furry family and 2 hours later the beautiful orange Maine Coon mix arrived home. "Pumpkin" soon adapted to her new environment and is part of the family. She is every bit as spoiled as the rest of our pets. Please see the pictures of her enjoying herself.

Marlena was almost 3 years old when her owners lost their home and had to surrender her to KCC. She did not do well with other cats, but seemed to be fine with big dogs. We were able to find her a home with no other cats and she now rules the roost with her 3 dog siblings.
Let me preface my story with this. I don't really like cats all that much. I'm a dog guy. When I walked into the pet store we were there to pick up a collar for one of our dogs. We have three. When I saw Marlena it was...over. We instantly connected and after we spent some time with her in the little room I knew I wanted to take her home. My wife and daughter were with me and it was made very clear to us that Marlena was not fond of other cats and because of this had been in a kennel for quite some time. Well, this cat is just like me. We both don't like cats! We went home and my wife went back and picked up the cat. As I stated earlier we have three dogs so we did all the proper preparations for Marlena and had her a room set up for a smooth transition into the house. The first thing. Change that name. Ugh. She is now named Marley. Which came naturally for obvious reasons. She transitioned into the family after a few days and is now pretty much the dogs boss. She has made it abundantly clear what is hers and what is okay for the dogs to touch or lay on.
Kitty Cat Connection, was great to work with and you could tell throughout the adoption process that they really cared. We're not in the market for another cat. As long as Marley and I are together we won't be. I can say that if we were to get another cat we would definitely go to the Kitty Cat Connection first. Thank you so much!!
Let me preface my story with this. I don't really like cats all that much. I'm a dog guy. When I walked into the pet store we were there to pick up a collar for one of our dogs. We have three. When I saw Marlena it was...over. We instantly connected and after we spent some time with her in the little room I knew I wanted to take her home. My wife and daughter were with me and it was made very clear to us that Marlena was not fond of other cats and because of this had been in a kennel for quite some time. Well, this cat is just like me. We both don't like cats! We went home and my wife went back and picked up the cat. As I stated earlier we have three dogs so we did all the proper preparations for Marlena and had her a room set up for a smooth transition into the house. The first thing. Change that name. Ugh. She is now named Marley. Which came naturally for obvious reasons. She transitioned into the family after a few days and is now pretty much the dogs boss. She has made it abundantly clear what is hers and what is okay for the dogs to touch or lay on.
Kitty Cat Connection, was great to work with and you could tell throughout the adoption process that they really cared. We're not in the market for another cat. As long as Marley and I are together we won't be. I can say that if we were to get another cat we would definitely go to the Kitty Cat Connection first. Thank you so much!!
Quinn was a pregnant one year old, and had been living in an unsafe environment when KCC took her in. Soon after her arrival she had 6 kittens.
This is her updated story after she was adopted: "My husband and I adopted Margo (formerly Quinn when we adopted her) in July, 2015 with the expectation that she would be my husband's cat (I was convinced I was NOT a cat person). Since that time Margo has brought so much joy and love into our family and thoroughly convinced me that I am definitely a cat person! She sleeps cuddled up next to my head every night and always insists on sitting in our laps. She also has the funniest little diva personality (her favorite place to explore/hang out is my closet and shoe collection -- a girl after my own heart!). We are so grateful to the volunteers at Kitty Cat Connection because they listened to our family situation and pointed us to the cat that was a perfect fit. It was so important to us that any cat we adopted have the appropriate personality and temperament. The foster moms that volunteer for Kitty Cat Connection were present the day we adopted Margo and were able to give us an accurate picture of her real personality outside of the hectic and often times frightening adoption environment. Its only been seven months but my husband and I can't imagine our little family without Margo and I 100% credit Kitty Cat Connection for helping us find our perfect cat!" |
Snow White

Snow White was almost 9 years old when she came to KCC. All she wanted was a warm lap to snuggle on, but her owner needed to find Snow White a new home, because another kitty in the house was picking on her.
Her new mom sent us the following update:
Obviously snow White is a beautiful cat, she is also a very vocal cat. My
friends just have to laugh out loud when listening to her.
She also says the words, "I love you" very clearly. Even in the veterinarian's office people will say "Oh my goodness! She just said, 'I love you.'"
She is very loving and will cozy up to you as long as you will let her. She
actually makes me laugh out loud quite often which is always good for
someone's health.
Her new mom sent us the following update:
Obviously snow White is a beautiful cat, she is also a very vocal cat. My
friends just have to laugh out loud when listening to her.
She also says the words, "I love you" very clearly. Even in the veterinarian's office people will say "Oh my goodness! She just said, 'I love you.'"
She is very loving and will cozy up to you as long as you will let her. She
actually makes me laugh out loud quite often which is always good for
someone's health.

Darcy is a four year old female calico that was abandoned outside at an apartment complex when her family moved. A nice lady started feeding her and contacted Kitty Cat Connection and we got her into a foster home that same day. Darcy was very afraid of other kitties, so she had to be an only cat. She was adopted once by a man, but he decided after three months that he was a dog-person and returned her. Finally, she was adopted by her new mom who renamed her Annika, which means favor and grace in Russian. Annika settled in quickly. According to her new mom she's just "a little love bug!" Annika is her lap buddy when she's watching TV or just reading. She likes to sleep curled up against her new mom's hip at night. Her new mom is really happy with her and "she's going to be a very spoiled kitty!" That's what we like to hear!
Wanted to share a couple cute pictures of Jingles from just the other day. One with her "sister" Abby napping on the couch, the other napping where you can see a little bit of pink - she got her nails done (the nail caps - I got them on when she was napping - a couple at a time - only way to get a kitten sitting still!) - so she's looking very glamorous!
She's doing great - 100% kitten! Running, jumping, playing, attacking every tail around (including her own), then snuggling, purring, napping, eating kitten chow - very busy! I was impressed this morning - she was sitting watching out the back french doors & saw a bird fly past to a bush - she craned her neck to see it - then rain into the family room to try to see it from the windows in there - she was tracking it (I've had cats before who did that, and others who don't) - so she's a bright little girl! It's clear she knows her name too - she was jumping around attacking the fringe on a throw yesterday and I called her name & told her to stop - she hopped around & looked at me - then did it again - I called her name & she jumped around & looked at me - then went off to find something else to get into! The girls adore her! She and Jack (the cat) and Ollie & Abby get along great - all play together & nap together. Anyway - she is precious - and growing - and we love having her as part of our family - thank you & all of you at KCC for all the great work you do! Ann & the rest of Jingles' family!
She's doing great - 100% kitten! Running, jumping, playing, attacking every tail around (including her own), then snuggling, purring, napping, eating kitten chow - very busy! I was impressed this morning - she was sitting watching out the back french doors & saw a bird fly past to a bush - she craned her neck to see it - then rain into the family room to try to see it from the windows in there - she was tracking it (I've had cats before who did that, and others who don't) - so she's a bright little girl! It's clear she knows her name too - she was jumping around attacking the fringe on a throw yesterday and I called her name & told her to stop - she hopped around & looked at me - then did it again - I called her name & she jumped around & looked at me - then went off to find something else to get into! The girls adore her! She and Jack (the cat) and Ollie & Abby get along great - all play together & nap together. Anyway - she is precious - and growing - and we love having her as part of our family - thank you & all of you at KCC for all the great work you do! Ann & the rest of Jingles' family!
Thank you Sandy for helping us to adopt Mocha. He has made himself at home & he & our youngest Sheltie are best friends. Our other Sheltie will lay on the bed with him but hasn't tried to play with him yet. She doesn't make friends easily and doesn't really play with our other Sheltie.
Up until September, we were our youngest son's cat sitter but they moved to Florida and I never realized how much I missed holding & listening to a cat purr. I can guarantee he is already spoiled rotten as are our dogs and I think he thinks he is a dog too except he sleeps on me, not beside me.
I clipped his claws with no problem & we have a cat perch that our son left here when he moved. Wherever I am, that is usually where you will find the 3 of them.
Thanks again.
Up until September, we were our youngest son's cat sitter but they moved to Florida and I never realized how much I missed holding & listening to a cat purr. I can guarantee he is already spoiled rotten as are our dogs and I think he thinks he is a dog too except he sleeps on me, not beside me.
I clipped his claws with no problem & we have a cat perch that our son left here when he moved. Wherever I am, that is usually where you will find the 3 of them.
Thanks again.
Hi! My name is Mikki Johnston and over the weekend we adopted Harmony, whom we've renamed Claudia. We were all a little nervous about her being okay with another cat and a beagle. The great news is that it's going much better than expected. In fact, just this evening all three were lounging on the bed together peacefully for quite some time.
We love her so much and she was the missing piece of our family. Just wanted to give you an update. Cheers. Mikki Johnston |
Neville & Scooter
We adopted Neville and Scooter almost 2 months ago and it has been nothing but wonderful having them around! I went into PetSmart one day, not even looking to adopt. I initially contacted Kim about another kitten they had there. She got back with me right away and I explained to her what we were looking for and that we have two young boys who are very rambunctious. She was absolutely great with pairing us up with Scooter, who wasn't the first cat I had asked about. I had previously seen his picture on their website though and had fallen in love because he is simply gorgeous! That very night I met up with Kim to check out Scooter and I ended up taking him home. The adoption process was so easy! He was a perfect fit for our family. Very laid back, is tolerant of absolutely everything the boys do to him and so incredibly loveable (he slept with us all night). After a week, I contacted Kim again about adopting another cat as we felt Scooter needed a friend. I asked her about a few I saw on their site and she quickly responded with a picture of Neville, an orange tabby (which I had been looking for), who she had just taken in from a shelter. A few nights later I went and checked him out and within the week we were adopting Neville. He is the sweetest cat imaginable, even more so than Scooter which is saying a lot. Scooter adapted nicely and they get along perfectly! I'm so glad we decided to adopt from Kitty Cat Connection and would do it again in a heartbeat! Thanks so much for giving us our furry companions!
Love, Ashley, Adam, August and Arlan
Love, Ashley, Adam, August and Arlan

I adopted Whiskers (renamed) from Kitty Cat Connection in September 2012. He was a complete blessing to me. He is a total lap cat and craves all the attention we can lavish him with. When we adopted him we discovered shortly after that he has stomatitis and eventually we had to have all his teeth pulled except the four front teeth. He has been a trooper through all of this and eats as if he has all of them. I’m very happy that I adopted him and that we are able to afford him the best medical care he deserves. I’m so attached that the skies the limit with him. Because I love him so much, I always felt bad for leaving him while I we were at work and the kids at school. This past August we decided to adopt a little sister for him. This is when Sumatra Kitty came into our lives. She is very ornary and gives Whiskers the needed playtime! I couldn’t be more blessed and am so happy to have found your organization and adopt two fabulous Cats.

Than you so much for allowing our family to adopt Hattie! She is the sweetest, most loving cat we have ever owned. She is content sitting in our lap watching movies and loves sitting on window sills looking outside. She is am amazing addition to our family and will be spoiled for years to come!!!! to edit.
Just wanted to update you on how wonderful our kitty is doing and how much joy he has brought to our lives! We adopted Chief from Petsmart in November of 2013. He was called "Guinness" when we adopted him, but we renamed him Chief. He has since gone by the nickname "Screefs" which fits his hilarious personality perfectly. He has adjusted wonderfully to our home and has become quite the loving little clinger :). He loves to snuggle with us and follow me all over the house like my little shadow. He will only drink water out of human cups and wakes me up every morning at 5:30 on the dot. We also have two large dogs and Screefs has quickly become their boss as well! :) We can't imagine life without him and wanted to thank you so much for bringing him into our lives! Rachael Miller |